June 27 2017 Tour day in Luxembourg
Evan had to work again today. Oh yeah, that is why they moved here!! Jude went to daycare today and Jess had a couple of errands to run, so we decided to take the hop-on/hop-off bus and the city train tours. Both are tours of the city. The hop-on/hop-off bus encompasses a larger area of the city, while the city train (not really a train though) takes you through the neighborhoods and areas of the center of town. We were going to meet up with Jess for lunch, but we didn't finish the tours until around 2, and Jude had a doctors appointment at 2:40, so we found a nice place for lunch by the Place d'Armes square. It was called Urban Bar. Jeri had seen it earlier and since it had a sign that said craft beers, she couldn't resist. After lunch we walked back to the apartment and were caught in a bit of rain. I guess we really can't escape the Northwest!