Europe 2023 - Luxembourg December 21- January 1 2024
December 21 - Our train ride to Luxembourg was uneventful, except that it was 20 minutes delayed and changed platforms on us in Colmar. Good thing we were paying attention! Evan was at the train station with Jude to greet us as we arrived in Luxembourg. We didn’t do much today except get settled in. The kids new house is beautiful. We are staying in the guest room downstairs. It’s very comfortable, and quiet.
Saturday December 23 - Blaine and Jeri took the kids to the movie theater to watch Migration, a movie about ducks migrating to Jamaica. Before the movie though, we hopped on the #13 bus, which took us to the Gare, where we got on the tram to Place de Paris Plaza to take a few Christmas pictures. Then, we jumped back on the tram. We stopped at Hamilius, where everyone got some hot chocolate at the Place d’ Armes Plaza. Back to the tram. Blaine and Jude got off at Pfaffenthal, where we rode the Funicular up and down a few times. Jeri and the girls got off at Alphonse Weicker, where they got to play on the merry go round in the mall.
Monday December 25 - Christmas Day. The kids actually slept in today and didn’t get up until around 8:30. Lots of opening chaos as they were opening presents. After presents and breakfast we all headed down to the park right next to the new house. Jeri and Jess took Lila and Fiona to the playground, while Blaine and Evan took Jude to the futbol field. Today was just a really chill day. Evan made a Raclette cheese dinner tonight. Jeri and I have never had that . It was delicious. A combination of potatoes, vegetables, meat (except for Jeri) and melted cheese on top. All in all, a very relaxing Christmas Day.
December 26 - January 1, 2024 - The next few days were spent hanging around the house and taking the kids to the park and the Cloche D’Or shopping center. Just needed to get them out of the house before they killed each other. Evan and Blaine went to Hornbachs and got supplies to build the kids a desk downstairs. It didn’t take long to put together a pretty sweet looking desk. Evan and Jess hosted a New Year’s Eve party. Magnus and Megan, along with Flavio and Karen came with their kids. It was a really fun evening. The kids went wild. Thank goodness for the downstairs play area!!
On New Years Day we took the kids back to Kinepolis. We had taken them earlier in the week to see Migration, and today we took them to see Wish.